Let us tell you a bit about our breed. First, we are very fluffy, having both an undercoat and topcoat that stands off of our body. Our fur is typically pure white, although we hear there are a few relatives that have black or orangey-red fur, but mostly we are white. This fur is just amazing - especially the mantle around our necks. It makes us look like we are wrapped in a snow muffle - with just our cute pink ears, marble-like black eyes and nose, and our beautiful fluffy tails curled over our backs flouncing about as we walk.
Girls weigh 9 pounds typically, and boys are usually 11 pounds, but our fur makes it seem like we would be much heavier. You would think that because we are pure white, that we would need a lot of baths - but we do not. Our fur is such that dirt and shmutz just brush right off. We love to be brushed and trimming our nails is needed if we are indoor dogs. That's not our favorite grooming activity!
Girls weigh 9 pounds typically, and boys are usually 11 pounds, but our fur makes it seem like we would be much heavier. You would think that because we are pure white, that we would need a lot of baths - but we do not. Our fur is such that dirt and shmutz just brush right off. We love to be brushed and trimming our nails is needed if we are indoor dogs. That's not our favorite grooming activity!
Daily toothbrushing is best for good healthy teeth. We may not initially love having our teeth brushed, or touched, or anything but treats near our mouths, but with lots of patience and with small steps and plenty of rewards, we will let you brush our teeth. No matter how long it takes to get comfortable with a brush in our mouths, right from the start we do love licking the toothpaste off the tooth brush!
We are a very healthy breed that with good care can live to 16 years of age. Currently, there is one disease that a few of our relatives have. It is called Primary Lens Luxation (PLL). PLL affects the lens in the eye and later in life shows up when the lens detatches from the retina. This is very painful and causes blindness. Fortuntately, thanks to new science, responsible breeders can do a simple DNA test for this disease. Then they will be able to guarantee that a dog they are breeding will not perpetuate this disease and soon we will be able to say our breed no longer is at risk for it. We are proud to say we are BOTH PLL clear so that disease will not be passed on through our pups.
Typical of our breed, we are very loyal dogs. We really don't think of ourselves as dogs or pets, more like fur-babies - at least that's how our family treats us! We love our family beyond limits and watch over the house - both inside and out - at all times. If ever anything is out of place, out of the ordinary, or moved to a different spot - WE KNOW IT! And we will let you know that we know! We don't bark for no reason, but always to let you know about something we have seen or heard. We have read somewhere that our ancestors were kept as the alarm sounders for the guard dogs because we would sense and see something before the guard dogs and wake them up so they could do their job of warning the master! We should have gotten their treats!
Giovanna 2yrs
We are very playful and love to be around people. We love attention but do just fine when no one is around and can entertain ourselves with toys and bones - and naps of course! When we lived in Italy and Tennessee we were outside dogs, but here in New England, our family lets us be indoor dogs. We have our own crates, well, actually several crates with pillows because, like we said, we are spoiled. We have our own beds right next to our mom's bed. And we have our own doggie door so we can go in and out when ever mother nature calls. Outside we have our own pen to play in and which unfortunately keeps those pesky trespassing squirrels and neighborhood cats from our clutches. We are also mom's backseat drivers with our own riding cages and pillows in her car. We have cornered the market on dog toys - thanks to grandma.
Giovanna's 1st Dog Show
We are very smart too! We have learned to do a number of tricks and have passed several doggie
training classes. Giovanna is a champion show dog! As you can see from this picture, at her very 1st dog show, - she won 16 ribbons. She is now the 2011 UKC Volpino Italiano Champion! Corleone hopes he will begin to show next season.
Corleone 4 months
This is Corleone's favorite spot. Usually he likes to sit with Grandma on the steps and watch the cars and kids and SQUIRRELS and CATS of the neighborhood go by. He's only been here a few months, but it is definitely HIS world and his territory!